
Friday, June 29, 2012

My special place art

My special place is Mania Marae, Coromandel. This is my favourite place to be because it is where my family is buried. This is a great place to visit because the very special people that once were in my life are buried in that particular space.  Also I used to have picnics with my great-grandfather. 
The artist I have chosen is a French artist called Henry Matisse. His unusual technique involves using bright colours. This particular artist is my favourite because I like to use bright colours in my art too.  

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Term 2 Reflection

It is the end of term 2 and already near the holidays. Hooray it’s time to think about what it was I had learnt this term. Well I have learnt about responsibility and learning how to do different things at different times.

This term I have learnt about different artist and their use of style in their art and about their life. There are different artist I have learnt about and there are 5. Henri Matisse who is famous for his use of bright colours and patterns. Vincent Van Gogh didn’t become famous until after he died. His sister-in-law had the honour of showing his painting to the world, that’s how this unusual artist became famous. Daniela Hulme is a New Zealand artist who is Dutch she paints tropical artwork and she got her inspiration from her husband that is Samoan. Pablo Picasso is famous for his unusual painting that he created with different shapes and also from different perspectives. The last artist I have learnt about this term was Claude Monet, his style is Impressionism. It is a really unique style.

Sports and education is what I had learnt  this term and the past 7 years and even this year being a year 8 student. This is the last year at Pt England School as I am moving on to the next year in my life.

This term has been very interesting learning about different artist and their unique style. This has been an interesting journey and it will be even better when we have the art expo tomorrow or on Wednesday. I guess it was a very interesting year so far.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Hansel and Gretel (Features of Narrative)

In a royal castle two little children called Hansel and Gretel opened the castle door and peeked outside. The weather was filled with sunshine. Hansel and Gretel have blonde hair and both had pale white skin. Hansel and Gretel were twins so they were the same age and they are 9yrs old. Their father had passed away, so their mother the queen of their home town had to look after them.

Running outside the little children came across a gingerbread house.

Chewing and chewing on the delectable treats, Hansel had grown fat. The wicked witch had tricked the poor little kids into eating the fat and unhealthy treats. Getting bigger and bigger the witch had ruined the poor little kids mind.

Suddenly a man who came out of the mist had been walking in the forest. Then he heard the sound of kids screaming. Apparently he knew the kids  was a very good friend to them. So he sneaked into the house and right in front of him was a cage that Hansel and Gretel had been captured in.

Just before the friend of the kids had done anything he was trying to figure he was going to rescue them. It was alright because the kids already had a plan. They had their own way. As they thought of  a plan they waited for the wicked witch to open the oven. When the witch had open the oven it was time to use their plan.

These weren’t ordinary kids. They had strength to twist the bars and break free. They both had powers to read other peoples mind. So they used their powers to set themselves free. They pushed the witch in the oven and quickly ran outside and found their  home. Their mother really missed them. They lived happily ever after....

Friday, June 8, 2012

Static Image 2

A static image is an image that lacks moment and also has a message in it.  This photo is a static image because its a still image. This is about a cat who is playing on the grass. The little cat has blue eyes. This photo to me is the cutest photo ever.

Kittens to me is the cutest pets ever. The person who captured this photo is capturing the happy moments of the pet’s life. The background is the grass and the subject is the cute little kitten. The shot is a close-up and it's very real.

Looking at the colours it makes the cat stand out a bit. The grass is a bit dull. I think that they put the camera on top so the cat would look little.

Static Image

A static image is a image that lack movements. This is a static image. The subject is a child by a straw hut and the background is in South Africa.

This is about a child standing next a straw hut. Looking at this makes me feel sad because some kids are poor and don’t have any parents. Most of South Africa has a side of poverty which means most people have nothing to eat or drink poisonous water. Children can die with unusual sickness. Looking among the photo I realised that this is a poor background. One of the supporters are Unicef, Unicef is a society to help  with health and food policy that looks after the hungry and was created in 1946. This child looks lost as though this kid has no parent.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Home baking

My nan and I made delectable treats on Monday night. Biscuits were on my mind all that time. I decided to make shortbread biscuits and my nan decided to make Afghans. Getting the ingredients out ready to make biscuits, I accidentally made a mess. I had filled most of the table with flour and sugar as I quickly ran towards the sink to grab a cloth and wipe down the table.

Mixing the ingredients together it combined finely. Watching it spin made me feel a bit dizzy. After all the ingredients had mixed perfectly we grabbed the dough and started kneading it. Luckily our hands were clean otherwise we couldn’t of done any baking. Anyway thinking about the biscuits made me hungry. Grabbing a quick snack I realised that I would not have enough room in my belly if I kept on eating. I decided to eat a small amount of food instead.I cut the dough into weird shapes. Afterwards I put the weird cut shapes into the oven.

20 minutes later out came beautiful tasty cookies. Having the first taste made me feel like I was in a dream eating plenty of biscuits. Waiting till the biscuits were cold, I watched TV until the tasty treats were cold enough to ice them with icing.

As I was icing the biscuits my fingers got all sticky. Licking most of the icing I walked towards the sink and washed my hands. Creatively decorating my biscuits, I randomly put toppings on each one. Dots and squiggles and filled up most of the biscuits.

Pinching most of the biscuits I quickly popped them into my mouth. Chewing silently I imagined myself in my bed eating heaps and heaps of cookies ... which will be awesome! Quickly stuffing it in my mouth I raced into the room to chew the rest. They were the best cookies I had ever made.