
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Term 4 Reflection

This Term, Term 4 was an very interesting term. Laughter, sadness, Sacrifice, Dedication and Desire. All things bring an amazing ending to the year.  Being a Year 8 is really sad because all these 8 years at Pt England School has been great. Going on outings and trips, exploring things and also spending time together. This has been a great year.

Next week the year 8’s are going to Ngaruawahia for camp. This will be a great experience. But today the athletics final is being held at the Pt England Reserve. Hopefully our Pt England students will try their best and succeed and win victory. Good Luck Pt England.

Even though this my last year at Pt England, this school has taught me heaps. Striving to succeed and choosing to believe. Don’t give up on dreams and more. This has been the best 8 years ever.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tech at Tamaki College

“MMMM YUM!” stated the kids in food tech as they tried their delectable and delicious food. Mrs Heka and the food tech students like baking delicious treats that they might want to eat.Every Thursday Yr 8 students from Pt England School get the chance to experience some of the technology that might happen at college next year. This takes takes place at Tamaki College. Every term we get to switch. Apparently this is our last tech for the year. But for those who is going to this college gets the opportunity to stay and learn the same things and more.

The technologies are Food, Hard Materials (Wood) and Japanese. The teachers to all these wonderful yet tricky technologies are Ms Heka (Food), Mr Grundy (Wood) and Mr Ishibashi (Japanese). These wonderful teachers teach us many things to learn. We have fun most times and sometimes its just silly.

This Thursday was a very interesting Thursday in food tech. So interesting that we had to bake by ourselves. 6 cooks anxiously waiting to find out what they were going to bake. “We are going to bake muffins” said Ms Heka. “All you need to do is get your trollies and get your equipment ready” ordered Ms Heka. 

Quickly we prepared our equipment and  started to get the ingredients. Sometimes one of the bakers would always make a mistake and that person was Toko.

When the muffins came out of the oven we put them on the cooling rack to cool down. As they were cooling we were busy cleaning benches and the top of our stoves. 

“MMMM YUM!” everyone except me enjoyed the gooey yogurt that was inside the delectable treat. Mrs Heka was very proud of the 6 students that was in her class. “This is more better than having 18 students” she said smartly.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Manaiakalani Film Festival

Excellent presenters practised and practised until it was time for their turn to present their movie.

On a bright sunny Wednesday Pt England School had the chance to go to the Manaiakalani Film Festival. The Manaiakalani Film Festival is held at Sylvia Park once every year. For the past 5 years the Manaiakalani film Festival has screened movies from schools around our cluster.

It all started at Tamaki College......the first Manaiakalani Film Festival. Children around our cluster had the opportunity to enter this fine competition to make it on the biiiiiig screen at Sylvia Park.

“What a beautiful day” I thought looking up at the clouds wondering what might happen as we boarded the bus. Team 5 had split into three buses. Room 20 and Room 19 in one bus. Room 21 and 22 in another. Finally Room 18 in the last bus. Laughter and horrible singing was shared among the bus that I was on. “HAHAHAHA!” Girls laughed at the boys that were trying to sing.

Finally we came to our destination......Sylvia Park. We were all anxious to pick our seats in the theater at Hoyts Cinemas. Running up the stairs so they can get some seats everyone was determined to watch the movies.
My favourite movies were “The Test” by Room 18 at Pt England SChool also “I know I can” also by Room 20 talented kids at Pt England.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Term 3 Fitness Goal Movie

Last term I had to accomplish a goal setting animation. And as accomplishing things our teacher Mrs Lagitupu assigned us to do a animation based on a fitness goal.


"On your marks……Get Set……..Gooooooo!" yelled Mr Jacobsen as the races began.  Making their way to the finish line the racers  anxiously ran determined to go to the finals.

Last Thursday Pt England School had a major event going on.  This event was Athletics. Bright colors blended together making a beautiful sight. We were gathered onto the hard court to organize into our age groups. 4 teams called Te Arawa (Red), Tainui (Blue), Matatua (Green) and finally Takitumu (Yellow) shouting chants from one way to the other.

The day began with a crowd of students going in different directions. The age group I was in was 12 year old girls.  Te Arawa was the team that I had to represent.  Confused and frustrated I started to feel sore and sick but I knew what to do...... Facing my fears and trying my best.

The first rotations began as we walked towards the discus area where Mr Harris showed us how to hold and throw the flat round object. Some of us had a practice and became good at it.....really good at it. One by one each girl had a turn. Everyone except Jessica I, Dante B, Hainite and I. When it came to my turn I felt a bit nervous because discus wasn’t my favourite  sport and I wasn’t great at it. Well at least I tried.

Monday, November 5, 2012

How to make a Tear Bear

How to make a Tear Bear

  1. Handmade Mulberry paper
  2. Chalks
  3. Favourite glue
  4. White and black pens
  5. Fluff brush and pick tool
  6. Pre cut eyes and nose

Step 1: Gather all your supplies
Step 2:  Trace Your Patterns on the back of your paper. Leave 1/2 between each piece. I suggest you do 3 sets of heads and 2 sets of everything else. Cut around each Piece....leave enough room for tearing!
Step 3:  Hold your paper and start tearing. Repeat for each piece.
Step 4: Adding the chalk. Decorate your pieces with black and white chalk.
Step 5: Fluff each piece. You can use finger nails... a fluff brush or a pick brush. Repeat for each piece.
Step 6.  Assemble your Bears head.
Step 7:  The face.... For this demo I am using our tri colour eyes and our oval nose.  Use your black pen to add eyelashes and mouth lines and the white pen for the gleams. Close up of the face

Step 8:  Assemble your bear and add clothes!