
Friday, July 15, 2011

Brief Development: 1st Brief

Conceptual Statement:
(What is the concept or idea behind your design brief? e.g “To produce a sign with a message that helps eliminate the issue of...”)

(The measurable must haves ie. the things that are important to designing an effective sign e.g. sign must be easy to read etc...)
1. Sign must be easy to read.
2. Sign must be colourful and bright
3. Sign must make sense
4. Sign must be understood
5. Sign must make everyone listen
6. Must have a reason
7.Must make heaps of people take charge
8. Must make heaps of people pay attention.

(Musts that are beyond my control e.g. Must be completed by the end of the term)
1. Must be completed by the end of the term
2. Must be clear
3. Must be easy to read

(things I need to make the sign)
* Paper
* Scissors
* Glue
* Cardboard

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Planning Log

Planning Log

Keep a record of both what you intend to do and what you did over the course of the next 3 weeks as we work through the Technology Process.

Week 5Week 6Week 7
What I plan to dobrainstorm issuesresearch questions ideas for signs Wasn’t here
Materials I will needpaper,pen,ideasgoogle docs question
People/Sources I need to consult for more information.peers,friends,myself and teacherpeers friends yr7&8 kids
What did you find difficult and why?To come up with 1 problem to focus on.To get the form done and sent
What I will do next as a result of any difficulties.get more ideas for a good sign.Analyse the data check the answers


The Stakeholders are the people who have an effect on the production of your product

The Primary Stakeholder is your client ie. the person or community of people that your sign is going to be created for. eg. ….

Wider Community Stakeholders:Key Stakeholders:Primary Stakeholder:


ATTRIBUTES: These describe the physical (what it is like) and functional (what it will do) characteristics of a product. These characteristics are key or essential for the successful function of a product and should be re- evaluated at each stage of the design process.

With your sign in mind, complete the following attributes table:


Method of Measurement


eg. Eye catching

sign will appeal (be noticed) by stakeholders

Sign must be clear, stand out and be creative



big enough to fit words/images and easy to read

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


You need to come up with at least 2 different possible sign designs and complete a PMI for each. This should include some feedback from an adult or a peer around the school who would represent the stakeholders.

Sign 1 (insert image of screenshot or photo of your sign)

Plus:Minus:Interesting:It has words
Why the sign is important

Design a sign

Names of people in my group: Chelsea and Te Roimata

Your task is to design a sign that will clearly assist in eliminating a problem within our school.

- Make sure you are clear what the task is.
- Can you identify the key words in this task (highlight them and discuss it with a buddy)

Thinking about signs and signage (Make a list of all the signs you have seen ….. and the purpose of the sign )
Type of sign:Purpose of the sign:
No running in the streetRunning can cause a big distraction for all of us
No eating while standingIt could cause littering and it will be bad for the environment
No gum around schoolnot allowed it because it is one of the school rules.
No smoking keep a smoke free area. No smoking inside.
Slow down Near a pedestrian crossing. Traffic sign.

Brainstorm some Ideas/ problems that we have around our school environment.

* Running
* Gum
*Bags on the floor
*Tagging on school properties
* Bullies


You need to think and expand on your answers, one sentence is not sufficient.

What is your issue in our school?
Some students run instead of walking in the street.

Who does it affect? Students, Parents and teachers

Why is it happening in our school?
Students do not care and just run in the street.

When does it happen? Playtime,Lunchtime-before and after school

Where is it happening? In the street.

What needs to happen to prevent this issue? Every time people run when they are not told they lose 5 points so that they can face their consequences.

My report

Its nearly the end of the school term and I’ve just recently got my report. I have a really good report. The graphs show me where I’m at. It could really help me improve on my writing, reading and also maths.

My levels and grades are improving and I am really trying to get a better grade. Reports are essential, because they can help you to see how well you’re doing, and see whether you have achieved or not. I am really happy with my report because I did well.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Term 2 highlights

My highlight for term 2 is Taonga time. Team 5 have been doing this every Friday after morning tea. Being in the Kapa Haka group means that I have to be in Miss Tito’s class. But last week on Friday we didn’t have Miss Tito, instead we had Toko’s mum Sophie and also Mr Umu.

The day before the ‘I Am Making Movies 2’ competition the Kapa Haka group was practicing so we could have confidence on that day. We performed the next day at the Auckland Museum and we were really nervous. All that practice really helped us otherwise we would have been lost.

Being in the Kapa Haka group is really important for me because I really wanted to know more about my culture and Miss Tito really helped me. This has been a really great opportunity. I’ve been in Kapa Haka since I was 6yrs old.

If a diaster hits will you be prepared?

If a disaster hits will you be prepared? There are plenty of disasters that happen in New Zealand. There was a big disaster in Christchurch in the South Island. So if a disaster struck you always have to be prepared even if it is a small earth-quake.

There are heaps of volcano’s which we think are extinct, but will we be kept safe from harm?

During a tsunami, being on higher ground is a better place to be in this situation. It can be pretty scary, but if we help each other then we can get through this together.
Evacuating to higher ground is very important otherwise you’ll die easily if there was a tsunami.

The place which has had the most disasters lately is Christchurch. They are having problems around their area. Some of us New Zealanders have helped them so they can have a better environment.

Getting ready before a disaster hits is really important because it might just save your life. So it is really important to be prepared. If you need help and don’t know how to get it, you can grab information on the internet or contact a family member and ask them for information. Making a survival kit is really important it will save your life and help people in the community or even your family.
The things you need for a survival kit is some can food some water and also some camping kits. So what ever you do keep yourself safe.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Tamaki Tech

This is the last week for tech. Team 5 always go every Monday in the morning block. I dislike tech because my subject that I’m in is graphics. We go to Tamaki College for these classes. We leave school at 8:30am and start at 9, then we finish at 11. There are 5 different subjects. These are Science, Food Tech ,Electronics, Hard materials (Wood tech) and Graphics.

In graphics today I came late and there were plenty of students also coming late, but we were in time for finishing off our work. My graphics teacher is Ms Ferguson and she is a really good artist. We were working on our cards today that we have been making. There were heaps of Yr 7’s and only 1 yr 8 student in our class today. This is the last week of tech and that is really disappointing.

Its nearly the end of the school term and half the class is not finished. My project is a halloween card. I am trying to focus and finish it. To me it looked really difficult to make. Drawing is very difficult and frustrating. Being frustrated is very annoying. I am nearly finished, and being in this class taught me more knowledge. Being at Tamaki College really helped me. I can’t wait for next term and see what subject I am in.